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RNT - 19732


Calle 68 No. 4 – 62 , Bogota, Colombia






Photo Gallery



Mobile.   +57 313 7823052

Mobile.   +57 313 7823052

Standard double room

Superior room

Grand Apartment

Grand Deluxe Apartment

Phone.    +57 601 743 5348 

Phone.    +57 601 743 5348 

Privacy Notice (Legal Documentation)


BATEA SAS with address at Calle 68 # 4-62 in the city of Bogotá, with email nicoapartamentos@gmail.com., Telephone 3137823052, considered responsible for the processing of personal data, for the proper development of its commercial activities, as well as to strengthen its relations with third parties, it collects, stores, uses, circulates and deletes personal data corresponding to legal and natural persons with whom it has or has had a relationship, such as workers and family members, shareholders, clients, distributors, suppliers , creditors and debtors. Personal data is processed by the company.

It will have the following purposes:


• To consolidate a timely and quality supply with its Suppliers, to participate in selection processes and evaluation of compliance with their obligations;

• For marketing, statistical, research and other commercial purposes that do not contravene current legislation in Colombia;

• For the recognition, protection and exercise of the rights of the company's shareholders; To strengthen relationships with customers, by sending relevant information, attention to requests, complaints and claims, phone 3137823052, Address Calle 68 # 4-62 in the city of Bogotá and email nicoapartamentos@gmail.com.

• For the sending of information to their workers and family members;

• To eventually contact, via email, or by any other means, natural or legal persons with whom it has or has had a relationship, which means limitation, workers and family members of these, shareholders, customers and suppliers, for the aforementioned purposes. Legal and natural persons whose personal data is processed by BATEA SAS have the following rights, which they can exercise at any time:

• Know the personal data on which the company is carrying out the treatment. In the same way, the owner can request at any time that his data be updated or rectified, for example, if he finds that his data is partial, inaccurate, incomplete, divided, misleading, or whose treatment is expressly prohibited or not. has been authorized.

• Request proof of the authorization granted to the company BATEA SAS for the processing of your personal data.

• Be informed by BATEA SAS upon request, regarding the use that it has given to your Personal Data. Telephone 3137823052, Address Calle 68 # 4-62 in the city of Bogotá and email nicoapartamentos@gmail.com.

• Submit complaints to the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce for violations of the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law 1581 of 2012.

• Request BATEA SAS to delete your personal data and/or revoke the authorization granted for their Treatment, by filing a claim, in accordance with the procedures established in the company's Personal Data Processing Policy. . However, the request to delete the information and the revocation of the authorization will not proceed when the Owner of the information has a legal or contractual duty to remain in the database and/or Files, nor while the relationship between the owner and the company, by virtue of which their data was collected.

• We invite you to know the BATEA SAS personal data protection policy, which includes the procedures so that the holders of personal data can exercise their rights to know, update, rectify, delete the information and revoke the authorization. This is available for consultation in physical or electronic media at the company's facilities at Calle 68 # 4-62 in the city of Bogotá with email nicoapartamentos@gmail.com.

• We are committed to and comply with the implementation of the POLICIES FOR THE COLLECTION AND PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA, INFORMATION, COMMERCIAL AND SERVICES. Mr. User or Customer in General, this Privacy Notice regarding the processing of personal data and related documents that are governed by the legal provisions applicable in Colombia:

• You freely and spontaneously authorize BATEA SAS to handle your personal data, to send information of interest such as: Offers, information, launches among other Services; for purposes indicated in the personal data management policy published in a physical or electronic medium at the company's facilities at Calle 68 # 4-62 in the city of Bogotá, with email nicoapartamentos@gmail.com; According to Law 1581 of October 17, 2012 where you: You have the right to know, update, rectify and delete your personal data at any time.

• The acceptance of this privacy notice or the simple continuation in the request for services once the privacy notice is made available, implies an express acceptance of said terms of the same and its express submission to the Colombian judicial instances, for any controversy or claim derived from this privacy notice.

It is signed in ________________________, the ____ day of _______________, 20__.

Signature: _________________________________

Name: _______________________________

Identification: ___________________________

NOTE: Please fill out this document with your name, identification, date and signature, and send it to the email nicoapartamentos@gmail.com.

Sensitive data are those that affect the privacy of the Holder or whose improper use may generate discrimination, for example political orientation, religious or philosophical convictions, human rights, as well as data related to health, sexual life and personal data. biometric data.





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